Best AEW Matches Of 2024 (Updated Monthly)

By michael
Feb 21, 2024
Samoa Joe vs Hook - AEW World Championship
Samoa Joe vs Hook - AEW World Championship

AEW has made its reputation for delivering some of the best in-ring action anywhere on the planet. Consistently, AEW matches are praised for their intensity and unforgettable moments. What better way to honor the work those wrestlers are putting in than by creating a running list of the best matches for AEW in 2024? 

A few notes before we get started: 

First, these will be in reverse chronological order. We could try and rank them all, but honestly, that’s a bit too toxic for this space. This is simply to enter the best AEW matches of 2024 into the record…at least those we thought were the true best of the year.

Second, we’ll use a bit of internet consensus as well as our own judgment. Not every match that gets high marks from a wrestling website will make the list. Similarly, we’ll reward matches with good stories and good leadup as another part of the puzzle.

Third, we know we’ll get a lot of pushback for what we did and did not include. That’s okay. We expect it. What we don’t want is silence. If you see something wrong with this list, set us straight. That is why we have a comment section that plugs right into Facebook, allowing you to seamlessly comment on our articles without having to sign up for some random comment platform.

With all of that out of the way, let’s get started.


FTR vs House of Black - AEW Collision from Jan. 2024
  • Date: 1/3/2024

The fact that FTR had another incredible match for AEW seems like a non-story at this point. They’ve been one of the best working tag teams for years now, and this match is just another example. This match also demonstrates how fun a tag match can be when you have two teams filled with talented workers. This is really why this made our cut for one of the best AEW matches of 2024.

The workers for this match were absolutely incredible. The curb stomp to Dax as he was making his way back into the ring was one of the better spots in the match. They also spent a lot of time with action on the outside of the ring. That type of thing can be problematic for matches, but these guys made it work.

What was great about this match is that you know there is a lot more these two could do in the ring. This match was more or less the tip of the iceberg. It won’t be the last time we see either of these two teams on the best matches list. However, with at least two members of the House of Black preparing to leave when their AEW deals are up this year, it is uncertain how much longer they”ll be capable of being on the list.


Adam Page vs Claudio Castagnoli - AEW Dynamite: Homecoming
  • Date: 1/10/2024

Adam “Hangman” Page has had a sort of rebirth in the last year. He seemingly cooled off after AEW’s initial run, but he finally hit his stride again last year and now his comeback is a must-watch.

Claudio Castagnoli doesn’t get a lot of big opportunities to show his skills on AEW Dynamite, but when he does, he always delivers a quality performance. 

This match had a lot of great storytelling. Claudio played heel, thumbing the eyes, stalking Hangman, and worked him for quick pins to put him away. Page continued to find ways to escape. They did a great job of giving the win to Page while protecting Claudio to look strong. It took two Buckshot Lariats to get the pin on Claudio, making him feel like the beast he is. 

This match reminds us that we need Claudio to get more TV time. He was underappreciated in WWE (as Cesaro) and we hope he continues to get more looks on AEW signature shows. The issue is that Tony Khan does not seem to want him there as often. After this performance, one could assume they will get him on more AEW shows.


FTR & Daniel Garcia vs House of Black - AEW Collision from Jan. 2024
  • Date: 1/13/2024

This match was awesome. FTR would get a newfound partner in Daniel Garcia. It’s a pairing that really worked.

The exchange between Garcia and Malakai Black was great. Garcia ducks a kick and sits on the mat, almost mocking Black. Yet then Black composes himself and flips Garcia the bird. It’s a great exchange. Perhaps one of the most fun.

Dax and Wheeler working together to get Brodie King off his feet was nice and a good illustration of how well FTR works when they are working as a unit. Brodie also does a great job of really looking like a beast while also never undermining the skill of his opponents. 

We’re a sucker for a good hot tag, and Garcia had a good one. He comes in firing like hell on Buddy Mathews, and King is mounting a huge amount of offense. 

The triple team piledriver was a cool spot, with Garcia giving the assist. 

Overall this was a fun match to watch and shows what tag team wrestling is when it’s done at a high level. To us, that is what helped it land on our list of the best AEW matches of 2024.

The winner of this match was The House of Black. Our MVP for the match was certainly Daniel Garcia. The match was built to make him look like a star in this match. Based on how people lost it when he”d get the hot tag, a star was born here.


Samoa Joe vs Hook - AEW Dynamite from Jan. 2024
  • Date: 1/17/2024
  • Event: AEW Dynamite

This match might be remembered more for what happened outside the ring rather than the match itself. Days after Tony Khan complained about the internet unfairly criticizing Hook’s title shot and praising an underserving Jindar Mahal, Hook got his chance.

(even though no one was really complaining about either, he just wanted to b**ch like normal)

While we’re not sure there was as much hang-wringing over Hook’s title shot as Khan claims, both competitors needed to deliver. 

Samoa Joe smashes Hook into the announce table. He struts around, basking in his destruction. Hook was not to be deterred as he flipped Joe the double bird. Joe thanked him for the gesture by slamming him into the outside apron. 

Joe’s at his best when he’s playing the Bully. He hits the Death Valley driver on Hook but fails to get the three count. 

Joe hits Hook with a muscle buster, but Hook kicks out on a one-count. Maybe a controversial decision, but it gives Hook the momentum he needs to mount an energized but ultimately futile attack. Plus, the live crowd went nuts for it. To be fair, it was an awesome moment.

Joe locks the finisher and puts Hook to sleep. 

Samoa Joe won, but dang was Hook impressive. This was easily one of the best AEW matches of 2024, and we expect more from Hook this year. Samoa Joe put on a show, as usual, but Hook impressed everyone watching. Hook did a nice job and played the part of fighting from underneath well but Joe was powerful and showed why he is the AEW World Champion. 


Bryan Danielson vs Yuji Nagata - AEW Collision from Jan. 2024
  • Date: 1/27/2024
  • Event: AEW Collision 

Welcome to the first of 40,000 times that Bryan Danielson will make our best AEW matches of 2024 list. Spectacular professional wrestling is literally all this man is capable of producing. 

Bryan working early to minimize the left leg of Nagata was terrific. He’s just punishing him. Kingston notices it on commentary that he’s done his homework. This is great psychology and why he’s considered one of the best to ever do it. 

Danielson reverses the face lock into the heel hook on the left leg. Again, he knows how to build a narrative through his in-ring work. 

Nagata hit a nice suplex off the top rope, but Danielson was not going to be kept down and managed to win the match

Nagata was great in this made despite his loss though. We know that we’re not likely to give him this honor for every single match he’s in. Still, he drove the majority of the action in this match and made a hell of a compelling match in a short amount of time. That is what made this one of the best AEW matches of 2024. The two told such a great story, with great in-ring action, in what felt like no time at all.


Bryan Danielson vs Hechicero - AEW Collision from Feb. 2024
  • Date: 2/3/2024

It”s another best match, another excuse to talk about how good Bryan Danielson is. He’s certainly the best wrestler on the AEW roster, and we won’t be taking questions or counter-arguments at this time. 

What you have to love about some of his matches is that they are mostly just opportunities for him to have matches. Several do not necessarily further a storyline he”s involved in. While normally you’d look down on a match just for the sake of a match, it’s kind of how AEW likes to operate. Also, when one of the competitors is Bryan Danielson you just push all that aside and let the moment happen. 

One of our favorite moments was watching Hechicero’s chops and technical skills, which were on display very early into the match. He was punishing Danielson from the outset. It’s great to see when Danielson is fighting from underneath. He’s so good at playing the underdog, even though he seems like he always has any match in hand just because it”s Danielson…you expect him to be better than the rest. However, Hechichero looked in total control. 

Danielson misses the flying headbutt and gets locked into a submission/pin lock but kicks out. 

The number of counters was like watching two chess masters who just understand every move and have a counter for everything. 

Bryan Danielson won this match but the MVP of the match has to go with Hechicero. This man seemed to have a counter for everything Danielson threw at him and played the heel perfectly. This includes the after-match ass-kicking. It’s hard to stay toe-to-toe with a wrestler like Danielson, but Hechicero pulled it off without issue.

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